Engaging Staff

Inspire a culture of engagement in which staff are proactively focused and energized about the services they provide for our communities.

  • Support staff in developing and delivering exciting, interactive library programs, services and collections.

  • Provide tools and training for staff to do their best work.

Engaging staff — We will continuously improve. Staff will continue to enhance their skills and knowledge so they can deliver exceptional customer services relevant to changing customer needs.


Support Staff in Developing and Delivering Exciting, Interactive Library Programs, Services and Collections

Customer demand for in-library services that connect members of the community is growing dramatically across all of our libraries. Staff-led facilitation of interactive and engaging programs and events, as well as animation of our many library services, contributes to building healthy communities. Staff will be supported in:

  • shifting to more interactive staff-delivered programs;

  • conducting guided research for the development of future programs, services and collections; and

  • growing their uniquely human skills including physical presence, emotional intelligence and creativity.

This initiative will support the communities we serve and improve library service by encouraging meaningful, supportive and healthy customer and community connections.

Provide Tools and Training for Staff to do Their Best Work

We know that our best path forward is to create a fulfilling and collaborative environment where staff are encouraged and supported. For Fraser Valley Regional Library to be successful and staff to continue to be engaged, we need to ensure they understand what is expected of them. We will support staff to be conversant in, and to effectively use, the rapidly changing technologies so they can successfully contribute to the lives of our customers.

This initiative will support the communities we serve and improve library service by ensuring that our customers experience friendly, engaged and knowledgeable staff.