“Public libraries are one of the best tools we have to build stronger communities...”
OUR COMMUNITIES DEPEND on our libraries for many different needs, all determined by our customers when they walk through the door. Those needs are constantly evolving, and the library must always be changing with the times, adapting to its environment as the situation warrants. “Opening Minds, Enabling Dreams” provided valuable guidance during the pandemic, and with this update I am confident it will see Fraser Valley Regional Library through the next five years as we approach our 100th anniversary in 2030.
FVRL is a critical part of our communities, and we remain committed to serving our residents and advancing the many aspects of modern literacy in the world today. Reading and writing are critical skills, but they are just the beginning. Information literacy, digital literacy, cultural literacy and many other forms of literacy contribute to making our communities stronger, more resilient and better able to prosper in an ever more challenging world. Public libraries are one of the best tools we have to build stronger communities, and I’m proud of this Strategic Plan, which will continue to support Fraser Valley Regional Library in achieving this goal.
Board Chair